Pet Onsite Laboratory Fallbrook Animal Hospital

You can rely on Fallbrook Animal Hospital to take excellent care of your pets. When you need us most, our knowledgeable and compassionate veterinary staff is ready to assist you. We hope to see you very soon!

Pet Onsite Laboratory

We maintain an onsite laboratory for critical cases so that we don’t have to refer or send the tests out. This is important, as it can often save time when it’s of the essence.

Pet Lab

Our full-service in-house laboratory at Fallbrook Animal Hospital allows us to perform many of our procedures on-site. As a result, we can receive test results in minutes or hours as opposed to days. The examinations include routine screening tests for feline leukaemia and FIV in addition to Lyme disease, heartworm, and other tick-borne illnesses.

In addition to basic screening, we may perform a variety of diagnostic procedures and get reliable findings quickly. These tests consist of in-house chemistry, urine, haematological, and cytology.